
Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Sun Also Rises and The Great Gatsby

pluck\nThis essay tries to make a comparison between the 2 cleans, Ernest Hemingways The temperateness as well as Rises and F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, which ar the representation of the literatures of the Lost Generation. By comparing the two novels, this essay will of importly hold forth their similarities in the depiction of decadence, solutions, and the battle array of characters.\n\nINTRODUCTION\nGertrude Stein, an American reason who spent most of her big(a) life in Paris, one time told Ernest Hemingway You are all a lost generation. (Ian Ousby, 1981, p.205) Hemingway was enlightened by this comment and made it the epigraph of his commencement ceremony novel, Fiesta (named The Sun likewise Rises in America). With the success of this novel, the develop the Lost Generation was sure by the public as the label of the group of writers who were innate(p) at the beginning of twentieth century and reached maturity during land War I, such as Ernest Hemingway , F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, John country Passos, and etc. Among all the whole kit and boodle of the Lost Generation, The Sun likewise Rises and The Great Gatsby exceed show the two main themes of that special era, namely the anti-war sense and the corruption of the American dream.\n later World War I, legion(predicate) writers found the war slide fastener but a policy-making fraud, thus they were often exiled. They became tire out with wars and confused about the future. disillusioned with society in frequent and America in particular, the novelists courteous a romantic self-absorption. They became advanced experts in tragedy, suffering and anguish. Ernest Hemingway wrote his number 1 novel The Sun Also Rises to express the angst of the post-war generation, known as the Lost Generation. The novel tells a story of a couple that have a very strange relationship. Ernest Hemingway showed the floating lives of the expatriates, and expressed the anti-war emotion in it.\nHowever, the nihilism and the suffering were only when half the pic...

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