
Monday, October 31, 2016

China\'s Early Rise to Power

Assignment\nEvaluate the factors that do China the preeminent causation in the early modern-day world.\n\nResponse\nOver the expire 500 or 600 years, news report has proven that East Asia, specially China, has been the preeminent agent in the early modern world. It was in the Ming dynasty when China rose as the world most decently nation and bequeathed its achievements in policies and technologies to the future(a) dynasties. Under Ming ruler, the China empire unified for the first sentence in 250 years later vanquishing the Mongols back to the north, expanded its dominion thus increased the commonwealth and affirmed its prestige end-to-end the neighbour countries. The factors that contribute to Chinas succeeder to dominate the world run to one-third main categories: bureaucracy, gardening and trade. In addition, military power also influences the countrys power, although to a smaller extent. Despite some of its limitations, policies do based on these three main se ts have in effect shaped China a strongest and unique nation among others at this time in the world.\nFrom the startle of the dynasty, the Ming rulers had known how to use its predecessors ecesis strategies to rule efficiently in its own way. Although some true areas resembled the Mongols dynasty government, the Ming had brought China to a high level. Compare to other empires at the time, China had the highest population density. This aptitude benefit China in terms of providing an enormous labor movement resource or encourage cultural values and traditions. only when for a country with an rescue mostly dependent on agrarian revenues, with only 7% of world cultivable earth to support agriculture, China indispensable a policy dust that can sustain and bear on the life of its people. With his power in hand, the Ming founder Zhu Yuanzhang designed a fiscal system for an unchangeable economy, which was considered quite conservative. The system did non allow private abroa d voyages, limited trade with ...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Sun Also Rises and The Great Gatsby

pluck\nThis essay tries to make a comparison between the 2 cleans, Ernest Hemingways The temperateness as well as Rises and F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, which ar the representation of the literatures of the Lost Generation. By comparing the two novels, this essay will of importly hold forth their similarities in the depiction of decadence, solutions, and the battle array of characters.\n\nINTRODUCTION\nGertrude Stein, an American reason who spent most of her big(a) life in Paris, one time told Ernest Hemingway You are all a lost generation. (Ian Ousby, 1981, p.205) Hemingway was enlightened by this comment and made it the epigraph of his commencement ceremony novel, Fiesta (named The Sun likewise Rises in America). With the success of this novel, the develop the Lost Generation was sure by the public as the label of the group of writers who were innate(p) at the beginning of twentieth century and reached maturity during land War I, such as Ernest Hemingway , F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, John country Passos, and etc. Among all the whole kit and boodle of the Lost Generation, The Sun likewise Rises and The Great Gatsby exceed show the two main themes of that special era, namely the anti-war sense and the corruption of the American dream.\n later World War I, legion(predicate) writers found the war slide fastener but a policy-making fraud, thus they were often exiled. They became tire out with wars and confused about the future. disillusioned with society in frequent and America in particular, the novelists courteous a romantic self-absorption. They became advanced experts in tragedy, suffering and anguish. Ernest Hemingway wrote his number 1 novel The Sun Also Rises to express the angst of the post-war generation, known as the Lost Generation. The novel tells a story of a couple that have a very strange relationship. Ernest Hemingway showed the floating lives of the expatriates, and expressed the anti-war emotion in it.\nHowever, the nihilism and the suffering were only when half the pic...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Injustice to Tou O by Kuan Han-ch’ing

darkness to Tou O by Kuan Han-ching explores and bounces grammatical gender roles and family set existed in yuan society. The play presents the gender roles by including the philosophic system on expectations on wo men, illustrating a male-dominated society and disclosing sociable discrimination upon women. On the other(a) hand, Kuan illustrates relations and value in family by manifesting the power of men in family, emphasizing the philosophy of filial piety and placing the signification on ancestral piety and lineage. All of these elements of gender roles and family values argon introduced in this Kuans play, resulting in a worth(predicate) piece of work that reflect how society and people observe about gender and family in Yuan period of China.\n initiative of all, throughout the play, Injustice to Tou O, Kuan depicts the cultural expectations held upon women by introducing the triad Obediences and the quad Virtues of women. These two philosophical ideas played a bou ncy role in antediluvian patriarch China in influencing how women behaved. When Tou scolds Tou Os ghost for the discourtesy that she did not commit, Tou explains the Three Obediences be obedience to [her] father sooner marriage, obedience to [her] husband subsequently marriage, and obedience to [her] (Mair, 704). This philosophy itself indicates that women are expect to be endlessly obedient and be suppress to men. Tou even clearly states that [he] expected [her] to observe (Mair, 704) these expectations. In addition, Tou describes the quatern Virtues of women as service to [her] parents-in-law, think of for [her] husband, being on ripe(p) terms with [her] sisters-in-law and living quiet with [her] neighbors (Mair, 704). None of the Virtues set women in a superior position. Because the Four Virtues were strongly emphasized values in the Yuan China, the women by chance naturally behaved subordinately as it was good to do so. These obediences and virtues leads to once un derlying expectation held upon o...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Children and Modern Technology

As I watch my children grow, I billhook how tot tout ensembley different things argon instantly compared to when I was a child. I grew up in a really meek rural area in Mississippi. I spent my cadence renovate outside, helping my granddaddy on the farm and playing football. The main focus for children when I was growing up was schooldays and the chores we were responsible for. My children on the some other hand live in a city and its almost impossible to start them to go outside and play. I give them chores to do approximately the ho enjoyment to teach them responsibility, scarce when theyre done with their chores, all they requisite to do is play video games, watch TV and play on the computer. The larger difference between their childishness and my child hood is engineering science. engineering science was not a means in my world when I was growing up. We didnt be possessed of laptops, iPhones, or iPads growing up. technology has changed the way my children re ceive in school and interact with other children.\nTechnology has changed the way children learn in school. As a child, I remember passage to the library to do intelligence reports and looking up info for my science and history classes. It was forever and a day a long exploit because we didnt sire rile to computers like we do today and you really had to plan ahead. Computers were electrostatic relatively new, so I had to look up culture in dictionaries, books and encyclopedias. My book reports were beginning(a) handwritten, with an outline and then typed on a typewriter to make it to a greater extent presentable. My sons dont have to work that hard. When they have reports or research they have to do for school, they are able to produce on the computer to dress out the information they adopt in the blink of an eye. Computes are a major bureau of learning in schools today. atomic number 53 class that I had when attendance school was a type class. My children have a te chnology class where they learn how to use computers and they study how technology is pertain in the development, storing, and creation o... If you want to get a safe essay, order it on our website:

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Business Case Study - Trader Joe\'s

1. In what ways does Trader Joes demonstrate the importance of all(prenominal) responsibility in the solicitude march- planning, organizing, leading, and imperative?\nTrader Joes demonstrates the importance of planning by selling high grapheme healthful products at humiliated prices and by creating an enthusiastic sense of touch through friendly and hard customer service. Employees and managers dress in fancy Hawaiian shirts, refreshing them with smiles, hand out stickers to children and gleefully give refund to customers when they ar not satisfied with their purchase. Their products admit cheese, wine, ready-to-prepare foods, frozen items, produce, and ethnic choices, of which 75 percent carry the TJ sound out (Mallinger, M., & Rossy, G., n.d.). Most of these menti mavend products are cognize to be sold at low prices compared to Trader Joes competitors such as entire Foods and Bristol Farms. In addition to that, they nurse the organizing process through their simplis tic approach of searching for esthetical and unusual foods, contracting now with the manufacturers, labeling them with catchy brand call and by maintaining a beautiful stock of each product. Their lead skills are withal apparent(a) through hiring well-rounded employees who rear end handle a masses of responsibilities including, cashier, stocker, customer interface, and are evaluated on a quarterly bag (Mallinger, M., & Rossy, G., n.d.) and who have friendly, responsible and conditioned characteristics. Their employees earn more than those who worked for their competitors. They also influence employees to taste and analyze about the product so that they can engage the customers to allot what they have experienced. To measure mathematical operation and take corrective performance, controlling is a necessary process after planning, organizing and leading. Their ability of controlling is apparent through their one in, one out insurance policy wherein they listen to their customers feedback about the products and consequently they... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Morality and Ethics of The Scarlet Letter

Verdict: unlawful\nThe Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is nefariousnessgle of moral and honorable controversy that reigns throughout the completed novel. The novel starts out with a woman named Hester Prynne standing on a scaffold in the city of capital of Massachusetts so all the townspeople could front her. Her crime was adultery with an un-named man, and her penalization was to wear a letter A on her essence for the rest of her life. Because of the mark of her sin, Hester lived a life of exile, not so much physically, still emotionally. Hester suave lived in the town of Boston and was allowed to walk the streets and market stead; however, she was not spoken to notwithstanding to be ridiculed, and the only while people wanted anything to do with her was when they desired her fine skills as a seamstress. Also during this time, a man named Roger Chillingworth appeared in the town and became Arthur Dimmesdales physician. The proofreader knows Dimmesdale to be Hester s partner in her sin, and Chillingworth is revealed to the reader to be Hesters husband. Because of Chillingworths close propinquity with Dimmesdale at all times, Chillingworth discovers Dimmesdales secret and torments the mans soul. Knowing all of this, the reader must ask themselves, Who is the guiltiest? The firmness of purpose is, the prude Society as a whole, which includes the entire community, and to a fault Hester Pryne, Arthur Dimmsdale, and Roger Chillingworth as individuals.\nIn frame to really construe that the puritan Society is the guiltiest in this novel, one must first determine what morals and ethics are. In Arthur Holmes book, Ethics: Approaching incorrupt Decisions he explains that, ethics is closely the good (that is, what values and virtues we should cultivate) and more or less the right (that is, what our moral duties may be) (Fider 2). With this definition, one can refrain that all of these people sinned, but the way in which others responded was not morally right, especially in the Puritan times. In the religious doctrine of John, Jesus encounters a assemblage of people who are roughly to stone an adulterer and wanting his recognition. However, Jesus looks to them and says, He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first. (New superpower James Version, John 8. 7). Therefore, because the Puritan society of...If you want to conk a full essay, drift it on our website:

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Conducting a Literature Review

Evaluating the credibility of bases is ace of the most touchy aspects, in social occasionicular with the ease of finding learning on the net.\n\nThe only authoritative way to valuate is by dint of experience, but at that place atomic come up 18 a few tricks for evaluating knowledge quickly, yet accurately.\n\nThere is such(prenominal) a thing as too much information, and Google does not distinguish or guess the select of results, only how find out engine friendly a constitution is. This is why it is gloss over nigh(a) practice to start interrogation in an faculty member library. Any journals found thither can be regarded as safe and credible.\n\nThe succeeding(prenominal) play is to use the internet, and this is where the difficulties start. It is very difficult to judge the credibility of an online paper. The primary(prenominal) thing is to structure the internet question as if it were on paper. Bookmark papers, which may be relevant, in one folder and make another subfolder for a short lean.\n\nThe easiest way is to scan the last, utilize the abstract and introduction as guides. This helps to eliminate the non-relevant work and in whatever case hale-nigh of the secondaryer quality research.\nIf it sets off alarm bells, there may be roundthing wrong, and the paper is probably of a low quality. Be very metrical not to stick into the hollow of rejecting research just because it conflicts with your hypothesis. misadventure to do this depart wholly invalidate the literature reassessment and potentially undermine the research project. Any research that may be relevant should be moved to the shortlist folder.\nThe next stage is to critically evaluate the paper and decide if the research is sufficient quality. Think close it this way: The temptation is to try to include as numerous sources as possible, because it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that a long bibliography equates to a good paper. A smaller number o f quality sources is far preferent than a long list of irrelevance.\nCheck into the credentials of any source upon which you rely severely for the literature round off. The reputation of the University or organization is a factor, as is the experience of the researcher. If their name keeps cropping up, and they exhaust written many papers, the source is ordinarily OK.\nLook for agreements. candid research should have been replicated by other independent researchers, with exchangeable results, showing that the information is usually fairly safe to use.\nIf the abut is proving to be difficult, and in some fields, like medicine and environmental research, there is a hatch of lamentable science, do not be afraid to take away a supervisor for a few tips. They should know some good and reputable sources to odor at. It may be a little extra work for them, but there will be sluice to a greater extent work if they have to tide rip apart a analyse because it is built upon shaky evidence.\nConducting a good literature review is a matter of experience, and even the best scientists have fall into the trap of using poor evidence. This is not a problem, and is part of the scientific process; if a research program is well constructed, it will not run the results.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

Our team of competent writers has gained a lot of experience in the field of custom paper writing assistance. That is the reason why they will gladly help you deal with argumentative essay topics of any difficulty. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Essay: Product Promotion

This essay discusses the reaping promotion. One locoweed do lucrative self-promoting with style, principles and gather to others. This throne be make get-go by believe self-promotion not something as chastely and ethic anyy incorrect further as serving others alternatively than self-serving. selling tools can be real successfully be employ like Advertising, personal Selling, gross sales Promotion, Public Relations.\n\n\nOne can do lucrative self-promoting with style, principles and benefit to others. This can be done first by viewing self-promotion not something as morally and ethically incorrect but as serving others rather than self-serving. Marketing tools can be really successfully be utilize like Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public Relations.\n\nThe almost thriving volume in the world are all self- march onrs and image managers. These are the assembly that talks every where however the elevators! In reality, behavioral scientists, George Du dley and Shannon Goodson, wear been studying the art of self-promotion to establish it. Their evaluation recognizes the behavior in which individuals instinctively avoid self-promotion and thus reduce their success. Their research studies ground that self-promotion is directly related to success. 1\n\nMy career goal at present is to become a network administrator in the next 5-7 years and ultimately be a main(prenominal) Information Officer, today it is very important for managers and leaders to take aim an image and present it in the best suitable visible radiation so that concerned people and businesses are able to respect the defining qualities. Different trade tools can be utilise not only to securities industry products to consumers. However the same merchandising tools can be used to successfully manage and promote ones career.\n\nKindly piece customs made Essays, Term Papers, explore Papers, Thesis, Dissertation, Assignment, Book Reports, Reviews, Presentations , Projects, Case Studies, Coursework, Homework, fanciful Writing, Critical Thinking, on the effect by clicking on the order page.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Woods in A Midsummer Night\'s Dream and Titus Andronicus

The Shakespeargonan quickens A Midsummer Nights Dream and Titus Andronicus, give notice be seen as polar opposites of each other. wholeness play is light-hearted and absurd indeed, it is one of Shakespeares comedies, objet dart the other is a virtually gruesome tale that takes hindquarters in the Roman Empire. One thing both aim in common, though, is the pivotal mapping of the woodwind instrument with respect to the man-to-man contexts of the plays. The main events, which end up dictating the course of the plays, occur in the forest. The characters of these two plays enjoy the persuasion of wilderness in the woods; that is, they enjoy the idea of dropping whatever facades they need to follow and behaving however they pleased, and they acted on that notion. The characters of the plays are given a mind of freedom in the woods, plainly they forget that their actions even in the seeming confidentiality of the woods bequeath earn direct consequences in society. While this claim (that the woods give characters leeway to performing on impulse and desire, sooner of with prudence) is never stated in either of the plays, further investigation into the plays and the characters lines can prove so.\nA big portion of the play A Midsummer Nights Dream takes place in the woods, which is why it is slightly more(prenominal) difficult to grasp the order with which the woods affect the take of the play; it is where almost everything happens, later on all: where Oberon and titania have their quarrel, where Hermia and Lysander plan to run outside to, and where the workmen plan to rehearse for their play.\nOberon and Titania have a bicker over which of the two should be able to keep a little Indian boy, and both make outrageous claims that the other is in love with the Hippolyta and Theseus. The disputation ends with Oberons decision to play a humorous fraudulence on Titania. He marshal Puck, one of his mischievous sprites, to get a flower called hear tsease so that he may use it to make Ti...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Education and the Rights of Women

facts of life is an issue that holds great enormousness internation all(a)y. As a penis of the join Nations, the United States is disposed the task of defining military man rights and is posed with the questions what makes a military personnele right and why should information be considered one of the human rights? educational activity is a vestigial human right that should be enforced globally beca map it is a key to understanding all other human rights, it stomach help raise women come forth of poorness, and it allows women to make educated choices astir(predicate) their health and the health of their children.\n there are many reasons a country may bring not to enforce unconditional education. The first reason is that countries may not be economically stable to educate its citizens. However, this newsprint will be discussing the benefits of a quality education on a States economy. The second reason is that a State may odor that it is denying certain communities their rights to freedom of religion. This sway applies particularly to certain communities in spite of appearance the United States that have fought federally to be exempt from educating their children because they touch it goes against their religious beliefs. The argument poses a health risk for women and children specifically, and should be held above freedom of religion rights. The third reason is that a State may use lack of education to crush its citizens such as the Talibans efforts to oppress women by prohibiting education. Of all the reasons, the third is the most on the hook(predicate) reason, and the hardest to reform as healthful as enforce by The United Nations.\nEducation has been shown to amend the economy and to specifically encourage in raising cleaning woman above the poverty line. jibe to Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, poverty is a violation of human rights. (UN General Assembly) In the article, The bureau of Education i n freedom from Poverty as a Human Right, Dhillon states, Education is needed for both understandi...

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Fences by August Wilson

In the play Fences, playwright August Wilsons message through with(predicate) his characterization of troy Maxson suggests that the elan troy was raised in the south by an disgraceful father and forced into change state a man at an early age collect to his fathers evil ways, is the root of Troys poor decision making and trouble well-nigh attitude towards his loved ones and to life story in general. Wilson shows the audience passim the play how individual boundaries or fences atomic number 18 created within distributively of Troys races with his allys and family.\nThroughout the play Troy is the center of conflict pay commensurate to his own insecurities and feelings of failure. Troy is approach with self- created turmoil in e truly aspect of his life. Racism, discrimination, greed, deceit and traitorousness are just some of Troys downfalls throughout this story. These aspects seem to shop him and deeply affect his sentinel on life and curb his relationships with hi s loved ones.\nTroys married woman arise is a very loyal, kind and nurturing character who is also very accepting of Troys lack of proceeding and sticks by him throughout their jointure even though it seems to be stale and sometimes abusive. lift is the solid foundation that holds the family together. Wilson portrays move as a individual who is non-judgemental and somewhat unscathed by her past which enables her to be so accepting of Troys faults. Troys attitude towards his wife is loving but in reality betrayal and lies are what causes the boundaries or fence of their relationship to be destroyed.\nAlberta is Troys mistress and his spirt of escape of his everyday unrewarded life. Within his affair with Alberta, Troy is able to fantasize of a different life issue of disappointment in himself and is able to feel a esthesis of accomplishment since she is completely divulge from his true form of reality. Troys friend Bono is a loyal someone who tries to persuade Troy to c omplete clean with some of his grim decisions and make things right with his fami...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Technology and Orwell\'s 1984

It has go away app completelyingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein\n\nGeorge Orwells novel, 1984, takes smirch after WWII in the boorish of Britain, now called Oceania. The novel is to the highest degree a g everyplacenment (Big chum salmon) that has one-man rule over its sight, but not e veryone, there is one who strives to stay on his autonomy. Winston, the of import character, does not moot that the brass should be up to(p) to tell him who he should distinguish and what he should think, he takes shrive will, but the antagonist OBrien who sounds for the society (The fellowship is the group of people who work for Big chum salmon) call fors Winston to believe that naive realism is whatever Big Br otherwise says it is. The Party wants its citizens to believe and debate that Big Brother is in control and has created the universe. This is however very easy because they have compulsory control over news report and the new, Winstons job was to rescript the past news to aline to the Partys legitimate whims. Big Brother mickle alter the perception of realness of a human cosmos with the control of media devices. Big Brother claims to be above the laws of maths and physics because he uses the media to inform his people. Our society cigargontte comfortably be led downhearted this path of dystopia if we put all our eggs in the wicket of technology and social media.\nOBrien says that Big Brother is in control of everything, even over laws of physics. He says that if he valued to float he substantially could, but that is not what the Party wishes for him to do (Orwell 215). Its feasible for a powerful government to make its citizens believe that they can control the laws of gravity and other scientific actualities. One of the tools the party uses is the telescreen. The telescreen is one of the main aspects of see control in the novel. It is the main way of brainwashing people to believe whate ver they want the people to believe because they are on every street, alley, buildin... If you want to get a broad essay, order it on our website:

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Article Marketing

Introduction To phrase foodstuff Knockdown\nThe lifeblood of any online bank line is in cosmos satisfactory to let exceedingly targeted, coherent duty to your websites, come pages and lodge pages.\nWith pop trading, you go forth struggle to get a customer base, generate r reddenue or even build an online brand of your own.\nYouve probably tried to generate traffic with a number of antithetic strategies online, and perhaps you found it whole too mis sequestrate or time consuming.\nThe expression selling Knockdown ebook was written so that you are able to hail a step by step action plan, that will athletic supporter you instantly downpour your website with an unlimited amount of super targeted traffic quickly and easily, disregarding of your niche or industry.\n on that point are literally hundreds of opposite ways of driving in targeted traffic to your website, but this is different. I dont bolt out time lotion outdated, dearly-won or confusing strategi es and instead, direction on the term order of all the apologise traffic generation strategies out there article merchandise.\nSo, without save delay, lets get started!\n\n6 | P a g e\n\nVital Keyword Research\nThe come upon to most of these traffic methods is proper keyword research. If you don?t take the time to research your keywords carefully, you aren?t going to have a very devout detect to get a aim of traffic that will help your site make good money.\nFortunately, keyword research is a comparatively simple process. If you kat once what you?re doing, you can research gage of good keywords for your niche in just a some minutes.\nWhen it comes to keywords, there are headway keywords and what are referred to as prospicient tail keyword phrases.\nHead keyword damage are typically shorter phrases much(prenominal) as weight privation, while tail keywords inhabit of multiple keywords that describe a foodstuff or niche, such as weight breathing out strategies for se niors.\nFor the most part, head keywords are alway...\nPage 1 of 28 Next >\nRelated Essays:\n1. oblige commercialiseing\n\n raillery bet: 7114 Approx Pages: 28\n\nIntroduction To Article market placeing Knockdown The lifeblood of any online business is in being able to generate highly targeted, consistent traffic to your websites, landing pages and squeeze pages. ... I dont waste time c overing outdated, costly or confusing strategies and instead, focus on the frontier method of all the FREE traffic generation strat...\n2. The Essentials of food marketing\n\n intelligence operation numerate: 1495 Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography\n\nThe gist of your business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of your business account on successful marketing. ... figure a customer-driven marketing strategy3. ... after identifying companys goal and its target market audience and also maturation marketing strategy, the company now is ready to begin think the details of one of the s tudy c...\n3. Marketing Plan for The bibulous Bear\n\nWord Count: 2175 Approx Pages: 9\n\nTITLE paginate (Name of the company/organization - marketing plan)1.0 Executive SummarySales ForecastIndustry InformationSummary abbreviation2.0 Situation Analysis 2.1 Market Summary 2.1.1 Market Demographics 2.1.2 Market Needs 2.1.3 Market Trends 2.1.4 Market Growth 2.2 dweeb Analysis 2.2.1 Strengths 2.2.2 Weaknesses2.2.3 Opportunities 2.2.4 Threats...\n4. Microeconomics and Market Structures\n\nWord Count: 1731 Approx Pages: 7 Has Bibliography\n\nMarket mental synthesiss are described as the makeup of a exceptional market. ... One of the four is a perfectly competitive market. ... on that point are few barriers to entree the market. In regards to the economy a perfectly competitive market is important, since its the market that carries many undeniable items. ... The last Market structure is Oligopoly. ...\n5. Economics Articles - Apple draw\n\nWord Count: 932 Approx Pages: 4\n\nThe article argues that Apples new marketing technique has the ability to help an unsettling problem for brick and mortar stores. ... Xiaomi Article The article Xiaomi sold 2 million smartphones in a single day illustrated a record setting sales day for the Chinese base company. ... Xiaomi has serious potential to discharge market share over Apple....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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