
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Immigration: An Opinion Regarding Two Conflicting Viewpoints

Daniel jam Close the B raises to All Newcomers and Stephen Moores Give Us Your Best, Your Brightest reflect ii very different viewpoints on in-migration. James perceives immigration as a strain on our society, economy and environment. In opposition, Moore views immigration as a benefit to the people of America. James fails to become a decent opposing argument in his work. duad authors use only the statistics that work in their favor, conveniently forgetting those that would negate their point of view. Although Moore fails to present numbers that would work against him, it is implied that he understands the disadvantages of fragmentise immigration by his solution. In Close the Borders to All Newcomers, James portrays immigrants as a burden to the United States of America. To him, it seems that they come here(predicate) with zilch but ill intentions. They take our jobs, destroy our environment, grade crimes, and yell our eudaimonia. James fails to consider all of the wonderful things that immigrants ache through with(p) for our country. He fails to weigh the drawbacks with the contributions. James only presents that immigrants are abusing welfare without considering how some United States natives do exactly the akin thing (James, 2005, p. 580). For example, several(prenominal) communities of polygamist Mormons hold to take advantage of welfare. The men depart continue to have children with their multiple wives, and then the wives will deed welfare at the will of their husbands. This is possible because many of the marriages are not legal, and therefore are not recognized by the government. The men, though many of them extremely wealthy, are not held financially trustworthy for neither their wives nor their children. The government shells out millions of dollars each course of instruction to buy at these people who do not request it. Many of the immigrants who come... If you desir e to get a full essay, order it on our websi! te: OrderEssay.net

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